So, my friend, what do you wanna know about me?
Any idea?
Alright. I got this. So I’ll start with me becoming a writer. (See how modest I am?)
Back to December 2008, while I was enjoying doing an internship in a very big company in Poland ( Warsaw), the financial crisis hit the world, and, you’ve guessed it, I was fired.
Well, I wasn’t that sad. In fact, I wanted to be fired, because from the first day I set foot in this company, I felt a little bit strange. ” Is this where I want to be in my life? Working for another guy making him rich? “
To be honest, I had no clue. So I said, ok buddy, let’s give it a shot. I always wanted to have a successful career in management, so maybe this would be the right place to start.
It wasn’t.
The next morning after being fired, I was so freaking happy. I felt… so good. So energetic. So positive. So excited. So productive.
The world was mine. literally. I courageously took it from David Guetta.
It was bloody cold outside (Welcome to Poland) and I was getting a little bored, so I decided to write something and publish it in my blog : – By that time, it was a very tiny little blog. Nothing serious. I was just having fun sharing my personal experiences and love stories (Hell yeah!).
READ ALSO: Kamal Jahid—His Work. Background. And Much More.
So I finished writing a post. Then a second. Then a third.
I’d never done this before! I mean, my blog was just a weekend thing. Whether I was busy at university, or, previously, working my ass off the whole week to make another guy rich, I’d never actually had the time to really write. And God! This felt Gooood!
I was feeling the inspiration through my whole body. And that day, I became, unintentionally, a writer. But I hadn”t realized it… yet.
So I kept writing, writing, writing, and wrting some more.
Day after day, week after week… Nothing could stop me.
I ended up by writing something that looked like a book. But boy, who said I want to be a writer? Or even publish a book? So I just saved the file and put it somewhere in my laptop.
I forgot about it. Completely.
So back to normal life. Ula, the girl that offered me my first internship (we were both members of a student organization called AIESEC – Will talk about it later on) called me to let me know that she had something cool for me: Another internship, this time, in Krakow.
I had no choice. I was becoming poor and I didn’t wanna call my parents asking for money. If I left my country (Morocco), it was for a reason: I wanted to become a man. A real one.
So I packed my stuff and, frankly speaking, I was kinda excited about it. Everybody told me that Krakow is an amazing city where the parties never end. This was very persuasive.
So let’s hit the road baby!
In a very cold, snowy day, I arrived to Krakow.
There was a very cute girl waiting for me. She came to pick me from the station.
“Well, that’s a good start buddy! ” I told myself. Her name was Marta, and she seemed to be an interesting crazy girl. Never mind. I’m new in town, so please Kamal, no time for flirting.
She took me to the flat where I was supposed to live with some other guys, and my first impression was like: “What the fuck? What the hell is going on here? ”
The flat looked like a burned condom factory or something. Too disgusting for a guy like me. Especially, with 10 people fucking living around.
Once again, I had no choice. I was a poor student in a new town. No way that I would go to a Hotel, the 200Zl (50€) that I had in my pocket, were supposed to save my life till the beginning of my internship in order to get the (miserable!) salary.
So I had to spend couple days over there, and you know what? I unexpectedly had a hell of a lot of fun in that burned condom factory. Mainly, because I met Sivio, a bro from Italy, who became my official Wingman. But that’s another story. Let’s just leave it for now.
So I started this new journey in Krakow. Every single morning, I had to do some crappy tasks in the company where I was doing my Internship. It was a tech company, and I had to do some translation, answer some shity emails and other boring stuff.
But that was just during the day.
Because yes! I was going out every single night with my Bro, Silvio, and also, Thiago, another bro, from Brazil.
We had he fun of our lives.
It was just… AWESOME!
I was the happiest guy on earth. I met lots of interesting people, lots of cute girls, but most importantly, I connected with Myself.
This doesn’t mean I’m an animal party boy who cares only about parties and fun. No Sir. This is NOT what I wanted to say.
What I’m trying to say is : I loved the freedom I had.
My internship involved zero stress. So I could easily go out, party hard and go freshly to the company the next morning. I had absolutely no problems with that.
How was I doing this? I will never know.
Maybe I was just happy?
Never mind…
Going back to Morocco …
My internship ended and I had to leave Poland. I was happy there, but my Visa ended. No chance the stay longer, unless I wanted to be another-illegal-immigrant. Not good.
So I packed and went home.
All in all, I had good memories, great souvenirs. Also, I kind of missed my family and friends. So no biggie.
The first day, I would say, was weird.
I couldn’t sleep. I was dreaming, for real, about all the adventures I had in Warsaw and Krakow. I was missing Poland and all my friends and the people I met there. My God! What’s going on here?
Was I becoming nostalgic?
Day after day, I was feeling more and more nostalgic. And that sucked. I hate that!
I had to do something about it!
Remember when I said :
I like writing. In fact, I’ve always loved to write. When I was younger, it was an exit strategy. It was a way to let go of reality and enter a world that, for me, meant peace
So yes, I went back to writing. I had free time anyway. I was supposed to start Master studies in five months.
I had all the time in the world to :
Go back to that thing which starting looking like a book
Write more articles and posts on
And that was a huge turning point.
My blog, was getting bigger and bigger, day by day.
The big guys on the Internet were contacting me in order to put ads on my blog. The number of readers was growing like hell. I couldn’t believe it. This was like a dream come true : I was Making money while doing stuff I like to do in my life.
So this thing hit me…
Hmmm… What if I become a full time Blogger/Writer?
Sounded like a good idea.
But not so fast… It was time to go back to the Uni.
And once again, I had no time to write and keep the momentum going. Going to the Uni every single day, spending my time running after buses, and waiting for the weekends to have fun.
Not for me.
Not anymore…
I once again had to do something about it. I felt the need for traveling, discovering… MOVING!
I came up with a strategic decision : Go back to Poland.
So I started to look for a job again and, unfortunately, I couldn’t find any.
I didn’t lose hope.
I kept searching…
But I wasn’t getting any results. I became a little bit pessimistic. I was almost depressed.
My family could see this in my eyes : They knew I’d be happy abroad. My life wasn’t in Morocco anymore.
So my Mom was encouraging me and suggested maybe I should look in another country.
What a brilliant idea!
So I started looking for jobs again, and I found a great one in… Germany.
Guten Morgen, Berlin…
Berlin, Berlin !
Back to 2005, I took German classes. It wasn’t my decision, but my father’s. He was the one paying, so I didn’t care. I gave it a shot. And I liked it.
German culture and history fascinated me. I decided I wanted to visit Germany, it just never happened.
So getting the job in Berlin, seemed to just make sense.
I took it.
And here we go again… I had to start a new life.
A life that looked just perfect.
Berlin is a fucking city
I read that on a poster in a very old communist-style building the first day I arrived in Berlin.
That made my impression.
I met amazing friends over there. I was technically working in a mobile Company, called Bob Mobile. It was pretty interesting at the beginning, but again, I got bored. Horrifically bored to death.
I had a manager that was just like a bitch. In fact, I was calling her The Bitch, while I was complaining to my friends, sitting in a crazy bar somewhere in the East of Berlin.
The bitch didn’t want to give me my vacations
The bitch didn’t want to give me more responsible tasks. I was doing JUST reports. Boring ones.
The bitch didn’t reply to my ” Guten Morgen ” this morning.
The bitch…
Wait a moment…
I talk a lot about this bitch! She is definitely ruining my LIFE. OH MY F***** GOD! What am I doing? Why I’m complaining? ALL THE TIME?
It hit me.
I wasn’t happy in Berlin…
I decided to go somewhere.
Despite the fact that Berlin is a fucking city, which means (not what you think) it’s definitely an incredible and amazing place,, I couldn’t connect with it. Sure I had amazing friends, but I think my experience in that company spoiled all the charm. It’s a pity, I know, but that was an interesting turning point in my life, because later on, I decided to quit my job, go back to Warsaw,and start a new journey where I would be a FULL TIME WRITER !
Back to Warsaw… Back to the amazing Lifestyle !
I will say it again.
I visited plenty of cities in Europe, but I never was that happy as I’m in Warsaw. Even when I was living in Berlin, I was going there for the weekends (5hours by train – Perfect opportunity for me to write efficiently!) and I was enjoying it so much! It feels so good to be there, again and again and again :) )
So I decided to go back and try to catch up with all the friends I made in 2008.
I knew it would be complicated. Or at least I thought it would be complicated. It wasn’t actually. Once I got there, I felt like nothing had changed and the dudes (and girls!!) I wanted to meet again, were all there. I met them. It happened. And I was so happy about it.
I don’t want to make this page look like a book, but the bottom line is :
I decided to live the way I want. The Lifestyle I want : Writing – Photography – Coaching.
So please feel very welcome to visit my personal Blog I’m sure you will enjoy what I will share with you.
If you wanna get in touch with me, please do not hesitate to shoot me an Email here.
Your friend,